Application Materials
Before you begin your application for a Spark Grant, please make sure you have all the materials we require.
Submissions are now closed.
1. Headshot/profile picture
A single headshot or profile picture of the applying artist. The image size should not exceed 10MB.
2. Pitch
A video, introducing your creative project – in 60 seconds or less – outlining how it can have a big impact with a small investment. You can film yourself by phone, camera, or webcam, and upload the pitch video to Google Drive/Vimeo/DropBox/YouTube (mp4, MPEG, AVI, FLV, or QuickTime format), and share the accessible link with us.
3. A single document in PDF format (not exceeding 10MB) with the information outlined below. Feel free to include visual materials.
- Overview (500 words max)
A written overview of your artistic project including the artistic vision, your team, and a practical plan to bring it life.
- Budget (500 words max)
A budget breakdown with a) the project’s overall budget, b) a description of funding secured so far, c) your requested amount from Creative Armenia from $500-$5,000 (the smaller the request, the greater the likelihood), and d) a description of how you would spend these funds.
- Timeline (500 words max)
Spark Grants are given only to projects that have a very specific and practical completion strategy. You will need to provide an outline of the workflow of your project, including its date of completion and unveiling, and tell us how you will ensure that you will keep your timeline.
- Marketing and release strategy (500 words max)
A description of your marketing and release strategies and how you have developed them to ensure that your project reaches new audiences and creates impact.
The document size should not exceed 10MB.
4. Portfolio, CV, or Resume
The document size should not exceed 10MB.
5. Attachment (optional)
Any one additional document (in PDF format, not exceeding 10MB) that would help us determine the artistic and impact value of your project — e.g., lookbook, business plan, or anything else you would like.